A Successful Woman Entrepreneur Earns $375,000 Revenue from Airbnb Properties in 2022, and She’s Only 20-Years-Old! Her Secret is Rental Arbitrage

Zack Love
5 min readDec 17, 2022

One successful 20-year-old woman is earning some serious income from her Airbnb properties. Most 20-year-olds haven’t picked their career yet.

credit: Inaya McMillan

After reading the story of one remarkable 20-year-old woman entrepreneur, it is very clear this woman is going to do some incredible things in her life.

She shares how the tragic loss of her brother was a wake-up call that “life is short,” and she didn’t want to waste it working at a “9-to-5 job every day” when she could work for herself and keep her extra time.

Did I say she is incredibly wise for her age?

Meet Inaya McMillian

Business Insider reported that Inaya McMillian, 20, from St. Louis, Missouri is incredibly business savvy, and it shows. She has Airbnb listings, but before you yawn and say “boring,” just wait until you find out she has a secret strategy that doesn’t involve actually owning the Airbnb. This will be shared in a moment.

Inaya’s background is essential to who she is today.

Inaya Grew up with the Entrepreneurial Spirit



Zack Love

I've been published on Newsbreak, Medium, Yahoo! and have received "Top Writer in Entrepreneurship" on Medium and "Hot 500" on Yahoo! Voices.